Sunday, December 26, 2010

Another Method of Resurrection Eggs with Scriptures

This is a fun method of teaching younger children the Easter story!  Another version is in the next segment.

Thanks to Suzy Zabel in Maryland for sending another way to teach young children about the real meaning of Easter!

1. Palm Branches for Jesus entry into Jerusalem (or donkey) - Matthew 21:1-9 

2. The coin: Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver - Matthew 26:14-15, 46-50, 27:1-5 

3. Matzo: The Last Supper (or a communion cup) - Matthew 26:17-19, 26-28 

4. Flowers: The Garden of Gethsemane (or  praying hands) - Mark 14:32-42

5. Leather strip: Jesus was arrested and whipped - John 19:1-15 

6. Thorns: the crown of thorns - Matthew 27:29 

7. Nail: Jesus was nailed to the cross - . John 19:16-22

8. The die: soldiers rolled dice for Jesus clothes - John 19:23-25
9. The spear: the soldier pierced Jesus side to prove he was dead - John 19:32-34
10. The Cloth:  Jesus was wrapped in a linen cloth and buried in the tomb. - Matthew 27:57-61 
11. The Stone:  was placed over the entrance of the tomb, but was rolled away and the tomb was - Matthew 28:1-2

12. Empty: Jesus is alive! - Matthew 28:5-8

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